[1] Anders Nordborg. Rail receptance. In 14th International Congress on Acoustics – Bejing, volume 2, September 1992.

[2] Anders Nordborg. Vertikale Schwingungen einer Schiene beim Abrollen eines Rades. In DAGA 94 – Dresden, volume B, March 1994.

[3] Anders Nordborg. Vertical Rail Vibrations: Noise and Structure-Borne Sound Generation. PhD thesis, Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, 1995.

[4] Anders Nordborg. Parametererregung beim Rad-Schiene-System mit Gleislageunregemäßigkeiten. In DAGA 97 – Kiel, pages 422–423, March 1997.

[5] Anders Nordborg. Parametric excitations of a wheel rolling on a corrugated, sleeper-supported track. In INTER-NOISE 97 – Budapest, volume II, pages 119–122, August 1997.

[6] Anders Nordborg. Parametererregung beim Rad-Schiene-System: Laborversuche an einer Einschienenrollbahn. In DAGA 98 – Zürich, March 1998.

[7] Anders Nordborg. Parametrically Excited Rail/Wheel Vibrations due to Track-Support Irregularities. ACUSTICA • acta acustica, 84(5): 854–859, 1998.

[8] Anders Nordborg. Vertical Rail Vibrations: Parametric Excitation. ACUSTICA • acta acustica, 84(2): 289–300, 1998.

[9] Anders Nordborg. Vertical Rail Vibrations: Pointforce Excitation. ACUSTICA • acta acustica, 84(2): 280–288, 1998.

[10] Anders Nordborg. Rail/Wheel Parametric Excitation: Laboratory and Field Measurements. ACUSTICA • acta acustica, 85(3): 355–365, 1999.

[11] Anders Nordborg. Optimum array microphone configuration. In Inter-Noise 2000 – Nice, August 2000.

[12] Anders Nordborg. Spiral array measurements of high-speed train noise. In Inter-Noise 2001 – The Hague, Holland, August 2001.

[13] Anders Nordborg. Wheel/rail noise separation with microphone array measurements. In Inter-Noise 2001 – The Hague, Holland, August 2001.

[14] Anders Nordborg. Wheel/rail noise generation due to nonlinear effects and parametric excitation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(4): 1772–1781, April 2002.

[15] Anders Nordborg and Mikael Segerholm. Microphone array measurements of sound radiation from cars. In CFA/DAGA ’04 – Strasbourg, France, March 2004.

[16] Anders Nordborg and Hyo-In Koh. Microphone-Array Measurements of High-Speed Train Noise. In AIA-DAGA 2013 Merano, Italy.

[17] Koh, Nordborg, and Rho. A study on the measurement technology of noise sources of the high speed train. In IWRN11, Uddevalla, Sweden, 2013.

[18] Anders Nordborg and Oskar Lundberg. Contributions of contact nonlinearities to wheel/rail noise generation. Forum Acusticum 2014 Krakow, Poland.

[19] O. Lundberg, A. Nordborg, S. Finnveden, I. Lopez Arteaga. Estimation of nonlinearities in the wheel-rail rolling noise generation process. ISMA 2014, Leuven, Belgium.

[20] Anders Nordborg and Torsten Kohrs. A rail-wheel-contact time domain model for calculation of generation of structure-borne noise in trains. Bahnakustik 2014, München, Germany.

[21] Anders Nordborg and Torsten Kohrs. Ein Zeitbereichsmodell zur Beschreibung der Rollgeräuschentstehung. DAGA 2015 Nürnberg.

[22] Lundberg OE, Nordborg A and Lopez Arteaga I. The influence of surface roughness on the contact stiffness and the contact filter effect in nonlinear wheel-track interaction. Journal of Sound and Vibration 366: 429–446, 2016.

[23] Anders Nordborg and Hyo-In Koh. Comparison of two different models describing railway noise generation and radiation. Inter-Noise 2016 Hamburg.

[24] Friedrich Mangelsdorf, Katja Stampka, Anders Nordborg, Ennes Sarradj. Validierung eines Zeitbereichsmodells zur Prognose von Rad-Schiene-Rollgeräuschen. DAGA 2018 München.

[25] Anders Nordborg and Ward Verhelst. Validation and comparison with measurements at INFRABEL of a time domain model describing railway noise generation. In IWRN13 Ghent, 2019.

[26] Anders Nordborg. Rail/wheel rolling noise generation due to parametric excitation. Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 27(23–24): 2862–2869, 2021.

[27] Le-Hung Tran, Tuan-Manh Duong, Benjamin Claudet, Khuong Le-Nguyen, Anders Nordborg, Franziska Schmidt. Comparative analysis of beam models for vertical rail vibrations under dynamic forces. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 110 (2025) 105497.